The presence of the customer and technical support that a shared hosting company provides can tell you a lot about the services which they provide as well. When you are allowed to use just e-mail messages and / or tickets, you have almost certainly discovered some reseller not the website hosting supplier. When this is the case, you will probably have to wait for a couple of days in order to get an issue resolved as the reseller may not be checking their communication regularly or they may have to consult with the real hosting company for extra assistance. When the provider can provide various options for communication with short response time that are available anytime, they are almost certainly the top provider, not just a reseller. Which means that you will get timely assistance and top quality support since they'll have instant access to the servers where your account is. Whatever the issue - technical or sales, it is always much better to be able to get in touch with your web hosting company directly by using your preferred method of communication.

24/7 Customer Support in Shared Hosting

All our shared hosting feature 24/7/365 pre-sales, customer and tech support, so regardless if you are inquiring about our web hosting services well before you make an order or you are an existing client and you have any kind of question or a difficulty, you'll be able to contact us any time, which includes weekends and holidays. We have multiple channels to get in touch with us - several telephone lines worldwide for your convenience plus live chat support for billing, pre-sales and basic questions; email messages as well as support tickets for more technical matters or any matters which require longer time to analyze and resolve. Unlike many other website hosting service providers, our trouble tickets feature a guaranteed max response time of just 1 hour, which means that whatever the problem is, it'll be resolved on time and you won't waste days so as to have something fixed.

24/7 Customer Support in VPS Servers

Using our VPS servers, you won't have to wait for more than one hour in order to receive support for any type of difficulty that you could encounter with the server or the software that comes pre-installed with it. We guarantee this short answer time for all support tickets that you open through your billing Control Panel or emails that you send to our technical support team. In addition, we have local phone numbers in several countries around the world as well as a live chat service where we will help you with pre-sales, billing and basic questions. Customer and technical support is available 24/7/365 using the numerous means of communication, so no matter what your question or issue is, there's always someone to help you right away. When you need assistance with third-party software, that you cannot install or which gives you troubles, you'll be able to take advantage of the Managed Services upgrade package that we provide with all VPS plans.